
Thank you for supporting the Belinfante Quartet!

With your financial support and trust in the Belinfante Quartet, you will help us make our projects possible in the long term. Tell your friends about your enthusiasm for us and ask them to support us too.

We will keep you informed of the latest news, the concert agenda and any benefits you may have.

Olivia, Fiona, Henrietta and Pau

How to Support the Belinfante Quartet


• An annual donation of €60 to €150·        
• As a thank you, you will enjoy a benefit.


• An annual donation of €150 to €1000
• As a thank you, you will enjoy some benefits.
• If you donate periodically over 5 years or more, this is fiscally attractive for you.


• An annual donation up from €1000
• As a thank you, you will enjoy many benefits.
• If you donate periodically over 5 years or more, this is fiscally attractive for you.

Want to calculate your own tax benefit? What is your tax benefit under Dutch tax legislation? Which amount is most favourable for you?
Use our Calculation module Belinfante Quartet.

Are you going to donate periodically for a period of five years or more?

To obtain the tax benefit of a periodic donation of 5 years or more, an agreement is required with the Belinfante Quartet Foundation. If you make periodic donations, you will be asked to enter your details on the agreement in the future. You will then be asked to download or save the agreement for yourself. In the next step you will be asked to choose/select the agreement again to send it to the foundation.
In a separate email that you will receive afterwards, you will be asked to sign the agreement. This agreement will also be kept by the Foundation for the applicable retention period.

(If you do not have a computer with which you can do these steps, please send an email to or call +31621263421).