
Onze projecten

Parallel 40

Parallel 40 is an ode to discovery and connection, collecting and arranging music from many different countries and regions found along the 40th Parallel North. Starting in Menorca and heading east, for a full turn around the globe, we will discover music and stories from Menorca, Italy, Greece, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, North Korea, China, Japan, the US, Portugal and Spain.

Life and Death – La Serenissima

The Belinfantes are fascinated by ‘ghost composers’ – those who may not themselves have written
for string quartet, but whose music is imbued in the music of others.
We thread together a programme inspired by Mahler’s music and philosophy on the world. His great love of Nature, his exploration of his local cultural routes in Bohemian folk music, his love of people and wanting to protect the world.


De ‘Ellipse’ is een tijdloze, oneindige baan door de ruimte. Soms komen de planeten en manen magisch in lijn, waardoor verre, oude muziek ontstaat die je aanvankelijk slechts vaag kunt horen. De ’transatlantische ellips’ voelt als de magische uitlijning van twee continenten, gescheiden maar voor altijd verbonden door de Atlantische Oceaan.